This is such an exciting opportunity!

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We do desperately need more visibility for Fiction on here. Well done for putting something like this together. I think it will be really valuable for a lot of people… 😎

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its great you're just a woman even using a womans name. I know so many female Addams. You are very pretty Im glad you embrace feminism instead of pretending to be a man. Keep on doing womanhood in your own special way.

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This looks like a ton of fun!

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I'm trying to figure out if I'm a good fit here. I have novellas, novelettes, and serial work I've been putting up for two years now. The issue is I write about different places and different times. I'm not always politically correct. I use bad language, off-colour language, and my character's speak as they would in the times they are in. If I have a story that takes place in the Deep South of the 1950's how is the use of my language going to impact your idea of what is polite? The use of the "N" word is more or less "verboten", but how does that impact a story? How does that affect the reality of the times? Is it because I'm in my mid-60s that I feel this way? I grew up in that world, and white-washing what it was like -- the reality of what it was like -- does not sit well with me. (Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, and all that stuff.) So take a look at my page; do a Quick Look at my stories and tell me what you think? Should I offer my work here, or just walk on by?

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