There’s a lot here. Definitely interested in exploring further. Need to do so with “morning eyes” 😉❤️👻

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what if someone wished to submit a story they previously posted here on substack - would you accept that, or would they need to take the substack posting down?

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That's exactly the situation I hope most of the submissions will come from. No need to take the Substack version down at all.

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May 16Liked by Addam Ledamyen

Wow! This is so cool! Addam you're amazing. I would so love to take part, just not right now. Maybe in a few months when my story is finished? I will definitely keep an eye on this space though, until then. Wow! So exciting!

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May 16Liked by Addam Ledamyen

This is interesting, definitely something I will keep in mind for the foreseeable future since I dont have big pieces yet. But it's a cool idea.

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Thank you. I will keep you in mind in the future.

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Okay. Have you got an e-mail address I could send pieces to?

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May 15Liked by Addam Ledamyen

Well, this sounds interesting. What would the writing schedule look like?

And what about editing?

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Thank you! More good questions.

I would want to have all the text for each edition 8 weeks prior to its release date. So, after the initial submission of the first four increments, I would need another every 2 weeks if it is going to be in every edition. However, depending on how many submissions I get, I don't think every current serial needs to be in every edition. So maybe some run every 2 weeks, and others once a month, for example, depending on the writer's individual schedule. In short: It's flexible.

As far as copyediting, because "the team" currently consists of just me, the writer will be responsible for fixing their own type. I'll take a final pass through everything and fix whatever I find, but it'll be a lot and I have some mild dyslexia so I can't make any promises. In time, I'd love to get an official copyeditor on board.

As far as developmental and/or line editing, I will be taking that on. All edits will be up to the writer to implement how they see fit, but I intend to provide feedback and ensure the quality remains high.

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May 16Liked by Addam Ledamyen

I’d love to come on as copy editor! I have some serial pieces in the works right now but nothing ready to publish yet (maybe September?) but I do freelance editing and would be thrilled to help out with this project?

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Very cool! Submissions are rolling, so send it in whenever you're ready :) As to the editing, that would be so amazing. The issue right now is that I can't promise any particular amount of compensation. If you're willing to do the work pro bono to start, you would absolutely count as a "contributor" for every issue and you'd get your split of the (likely small) profit. Also, I would be super-duper appreciative. DM me if you're still interested and we can talk about it!

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So if I am already putting something on Substack, and have quite a few scenes already… I would just have to come out with a new scene every two weeks to stay ahead?

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-Do you specifically want novels/novellas, or will shorter pieces be permitted?

-Do you want original material or reprints?

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Good questions! Thank you.

- I want to focus on longer work, but if someone sends me an outstanding shorter piece, I'm not gonna turn it away. I think the variety now and then would be nice.

- I don't mind reprints as long as the prior printed version is no longer available to buy new. I will prioritize original work.

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Is this project still happening? Aside from my comments, I don't see any activity since about May 16.

Assuming it is still happening, I have a question about the form. It seems to be set up for either a pitch or a submission, but the "submit the first four parts" item is required. That doesn't leave much room for a pre-writing pitch, even though some of the items are worded in a way that suggests you could do that.

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I like the idea of having an illustrator (reminiscent of the pulp magazines of old). But that seems as if it might be expensive unless you could find someone who, like us, is as much interested in exposure as anything.

Sadly, I'm not an artist, but parenthetically I do know a good cover artist. He's not cheap, but I'm willing to donate for the cover art if that helps. If you want to see samples, you can check my books on Amazon. He's done all of mine, with the exception of a few shorts and the education titles. Good cover art is a way to get higher circulation.

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I'd really like to do this. But right now, I feel a little as if I'm drowning. As it turns out, Substack is a harsh mistress. The novel whose first chapter got such good suggestions in the critique group is not progressing very fast (maybe half a chapter more done, far below my normal productivity.).

I do have one five-part serial on Substack that might work, but I'm not sure when I'll have the time to go back over it and perhaps make whatever changes are needed. Also, I'd kind of thought of it for a different use and already ordered a cover for it from my designer.

I've had a thought about doing a novelization of the Epic of Gilgamesh in serial format. That could probably be done in about the segment sizes you want, but that's not exactly at the top of the to-do list now.

Question about the pricing model. Given that the ebooks are free, I'm assuming the primary purpose is exposure for the authors involved. I've been in some anthologies in the past that produced a lot of buzz. A sustained effort might be a game changer for some of us. What's the distribution model? Are you thinking wide through a distributor like D2D, Amazon price-matched to free because it's free on some of the other outlets? Or do you have something else in mind? In any case, I'd maybe suggest somewhat lower archive prices. $15 dollars is really high for an indie ebook, particularly of this kind. I'm not sure how many buyers you'd get. It might be better to have something with more permanent legs.

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Tell ya what man, I’m posting the 6th part of my ongoing series https://fromaghosttoaghost.substack.com/p/the-devil-in-the-vine-parts-1-3?r=38usvw tonight at 8. The first five parts are available at that link. The story is over 40,000 words now with part 6 and will be a total of 8 parts when it is complete. Check it out, if you are still interested in working with me, HMU and we’ll talk. I like people who go for it, but I’m also wildly independent and leery of others in general 😂❤️👻

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